Feb 04, 2004 17:53

Another Survey
>[ series 1 - your information ]
>-- Name : Christopher Alexander Tarango
>-- Birthday :: october 23 1986 ( I was born 2 weeks late)
>-- Birthplace :: santa monica Cali
>-- Current Location:: Santa Clarita <--- FUCKEN HATE IT
>-- Eye Color:: black ooooh spooky
>-- Hair Color :: dark brown/black
>-- Righty or Lefty :: Righty.
>-- Zodiac Sign :: Scorpio
>-- Innie or Outtie :: Innie

>[ series 2 - your favorite ]
>-- Music :: classic rock
>-- Cartoon:: Zoids
>-- Color:: macaroni and cheese orange
>-- Slushy Flavor:: pina colada
>-- TV Show:: My big fat obnoxious fiance
>-- Font:: Comic Sans
>-- Song:: I like a lot of songs too hard to pick, but i like all the mixes of the wall by pink floyd
>-- Book:: Everyone Poops
>-- Children's Book:: uhhm., "i'll love you forever, like you for always..."(ashleighs fav + mine) "as long as im living my baby youll be"
>-- Language:: Yiddish
>-- Food & Beverage:: Sushi specifically Spicy Tuna Handroll
>-- Subject in School:: Business
>-- Weekend Activity:: offroading also working in the shop
>-- Ice Cream Flavor:: Green Tea
>-- Roller Coaster:: Riddlers Revenge (six flags magic mountain)
>-- Fast Food Restaurant:: In N Out
>-- Animal:: I used to love Cheetahs, then it was any type of monkey, now i believe its Crows
>-- Store:: Toys R Us
>-- Shampoo:: Garnier Fructis
>-- Number:: 32
>-- Movie:: The Toy for one, Boondock Saints
>-- Actor/Actress:: John Leguizamo
>-- Hobby:: trucks... painting models
>-- Breakfast Cereal:: raisin bran, Cinnamon toast Crunch

>[ series 3 - what is ]
>-- Your most overused phrase on aol :: ROFLMAO -- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning :: hurry hit the snoooze button
>-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with :: why isnt Marisa here with me hahaha j/k
>-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex:: it changes but nice hair draws me in
>-- The Best Name for a Butler :: James
>-- The wussiest sport :: Football.. whats with all the padding?????
>-- Your best feature :: 12"......................................... foot
>-- Your bedtime :: wtf is a bedtime?
>-- Your greatest fear :: dying without accomplishing what I want to
>-- Your greatest accomplishment :: staying alive
>-- Your most missed memory :: my best friend seth... god that kid was the greatest
>-- In your cd player now?:: hoobastank (editing it into a video)
>-- Your favorite car?:: 1993 toyota supra TT targa, 1969 corvette stingray... trucks? anything toyota
>-- The one thing you would change about yourself?:: A bit more muscles

[ series 4 - who is ]
>-- Your biggest crush?:: in my entire life?? Pamela Anderson!
>-- The last person that called you?: I cant remember .. but the last person that called me was my ex -- On your buddy list?:: my entire effin list? what? who am i talking to? Ryan i guess

[ series 5 - do you ]
>-- Take a shower everyday? :: yeah maybe 2 times a day
>-- Have a(any) crush(es)? :: heh not sure but kinda
>-- Do you think you've been in love?: yeah, its hard to know when your in the relationship but when its over the pain is what makes you realize how in love you were
>-- Want to go to college :: of course.. i wanna be richer than Bill Gates.. hahah
>-- Want to get married :: I do.. but in time
>-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? :: i dont know... prolly not since i taught myself
>-- Believe in yourself? :: occasionally
>-- Have any tattoos/where?:: not yet
>-- Have any piercings/where?: none yet
>-- Get motion sickness? :: only when reading in the car
>-- Think you're a health freak? :: no way
>-- Get along with your parents? :: yeah.. lately, its been like a roller coster all my life
>-- Like thunderstorms? :: yeah they are beautiful
>-- Drink?:: yeah
[ series 6 - the future ]
>-- Age you hope to be married :: 24-26 maybe but sometime after college
>-- Number and Names of Children :: 2 maybe 3 if she wants 3.... uhh names... yeah but cant tell you
>-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? :: college, hopefully UCSD or Pepperdine
>-- Describe your Dream Wedding :: never thought about it, but probably in moab utah on some remote trail
>-- How do you want to die?:: I want to jump out of an airplane with no parachute
>-- What do you want to be when you grow up? :: Business Owner, V.P. of Marketing for a large firm, but what would i really love to do.... Race the Dakar and Baja 1000 ... so basically a racetruck driver
>-- What country would you most like to visit?:: australia

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
>-- Best eye color? :: blue, green but it doesnt really matter
>-- Best hair color? :: its way 2 complicated to explain..
>-- Short or long hair? :: long and silky... or short ... as long as it smells good!
>-- Best height? :: shorter than me
>-- Best weight? :: a wheight... depends on height.. i know what i like when i see it
>-- Best articles of clothing? :: ass huggin undies and a tiny little tank top
>-- Best first date location? :: midnight at the beach
>-- Best first kiss location? :: midnight at the beach

[ series 8 - other ]
>-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal?: ummm 2 years.. but didnt really sleep with.. it was just on my bed
>-- How many rings until you answer the phone? :: how ever many it takes
>-- What's on your mouse pad? :: RoadRunner
>-- How many houses have you lived in? :: 2 houses 4 apartments
>-- How many schools have you gone to? :: 1 elementary 1 jr high 1 high school
>-- What color is your bedroom carpet? :: hardwood floor
>-- If you were to own a bar or restaurant what would you name it?:: Toss This (it would be a salad bar)
>-- Have you ever run from the cops?:: oh all the time.. lol
>-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three objects:: DIY boat kit, my dog, you!
>-- If there was a movie made of your life, who would play you?:: Ashley Olson... cause im always naked and i think men everywhere would appreciate seeing her naked... but really John Leguizamo because hes my favorite actor as mentioned above, and he is AWESOME!
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