ohhh pretty sun
ohhh a pretty sunrise
another pretty sunrise
nappy poo in beddy bye land (the day i got my earache)
huge thunderstorm we had
my aunties cottage....its so beautiful....and big and ugh i miss it...
lol crazy cousin
me doing a backflip off the pontoon boat
catching a nerf football off the dock (i caught that one too!)
the annual dock picture....(third from the right is the best looking and coolest one of them...)
just pushed my uncle into the canal with all his cloths on....hehe i win
the swan that chases every jetski he sees just like that
the devil child that i guess is my brother....
the lake
das right foo thats me out there
me again tearin it up some more
well thats all for now....i have to say that this place is the most
memorable place in my life....i love it soooo much and its so
awsome...there will be more pics to come (once i get to putting them on
my computer and getting some from my cousins...)
ugh i cant begin to explain to you how awsome it is up there....i cant wait till next year