(no subject)

Dec 23, 2008 00:30

So well, I'm back. Not entirely in the mood to talk or elaborate much cos judging by how much has took place over the couple of weeks, it would take agesss. Yea, so let the pictures do the talking. They say pictures speak a thousand words, we shall see.

1) Prom!
2) Zouk and more Zouk!

Oh, and please don't ask me to lj-cut. I will slap you.


Prom wasn't a blast at all, didn't even think it was worth all the money. My Goddess won Prom Queen though, so yay!
Fat's whole outfit was managed by me, not bad ey? Heh.
Following after, post-prom was a fucking mess, seriously. That should say it all.


Our first time at Zouk. Phuture reached its maximum capacity so we had to go Zouk instead.
Zouk was pretty awesomez, BUT that was before I went Phuture though hahahahah.


10 DEC

Fucking bad day.

12 DEC

Pretty smooth night !
Just that Michelle you gotta be more conservative and don't expose yourself too much again ok HAHHAAH

17 DEC

One-too-many-drinks night.
Long Island, tequila, flaming lambo in less than an hour wtf.
I was so wasted for the day, Fat had to come pick me up. Tq, luv you !!

19 DEC

Supposedly my career ending night. Not anymore, I guess.
Another fucking bad night, I swear. I was so mad in the end, I didn't even want to talk.

& If you haven't noticed, there is this one person who is always with me through it all. Other than poking fun at me all the time (hahaha calling me a washboard and all), he has been an amazing friend to me, no less. He is always there to take care of me, keep me safe, lend me his shoulders, take all my nonsense, never judging me and so much more. And I really thank him for being my brudder (who doesn't have any motives hahahha)

He is none other than...


( I bet you're feeling damn shiok now, your ego like being inflated x100000 cos I'm honouring you now )

Okay, anyway yea I want to speak my mind for this once.
I prefer keeping my life private, if you all don't already know. I don't need anyone to come poking their noses into my life. Wtf is my life of you people's concern anyway? Since when is it so interesting that you all have to know everything? Do you all even care to know, or even deserve to know? If anyone must know about my life (which is so not the case), you ask right in front of me and stop bugging my friends already. If you want to talk about me, you tell me straight in my face. & seriously, I don't give two fucks about what anyone thinks anymore now, I'm so over that stage. Get a life, you don't need to live on gossips.

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