Ah, Summer - what power you have to make us suffer and like it

May 29, 2006 13:14

It's hot! All of a sudden, Summer has come upon me! On Saturday I cut up and ate my first summer watermelon and went to the first summer cookout. And this weekend is the first summer West Virginia trip. Of course, I didn't go, but still. And also this weekend was my first summer SWIM!! Ah, how I love the pool! And now, it's insanely hot and here I am in my shorts and tank top sitting in front of a fan. If that's not summer, I don't know what is.

The cookout was a lot of fun, but it made me miss my childhood. Hanging out at the Zacharis's was just like the old days ... and we reminisced (I don't really know if that's how you spell it) about the good old swim team days ... *sigh* that was the life! The majority of the day spent at the pool, hanging out with friends, sitting on top of that carriage thing, Anna and Sue nowhere to be found ... how amazing.

And last night was quite the wild summer night. It began with meeting Peter, Sarah, and Kelly for 707. It was a good service, and I saw a ton of people I know! All sorts of L-dubbers and girls from the dance studio! Afterwards, all we wanted was some ice cream, so of course we headed to Handel's! It was unfortunately closed, however, so we decided to go to Friendly's. Dropping off all of our cars at the Rohn household, Peter (being the manly man that he is) volunteered to drive us girlies around, so we all piled in. After lots of crazy driving on Peter's part, we hear a strange thumping noise. We brilliantly deduce that it is probably a flat tire, so Peter turns into the Parmatown mall parking lot (deserted, because it was 11ish p.m.) and we discover that it is indeed a flat tire. We girls stare at Peter expectantly, and at this moment he confesses that he doesn't know how to change a tire. So, being the genius women that they are, Sarah and Kelly successfully get the spare tire out of the trunk and all the tools we need. Except the jack was stuck, and we couldn't figure out how to get it out. At this moment, Sarah flags down a Parmatown Mall Security truck. The man, who we affectionately named Lou, jumps out and when Peter told him that he couldn't change a tire, he exclaimed "You don't know how to change a tire!?!? Didn't you take shop!?!?" No fear, for Lou is here. Lou whips out his flashlight and tries to pull the jack out, but with no success. At this time, Kelly, the genius of the group, pulls out the owner's manual and begins to read aloud from the "Jacking Up the Car" section. With the use of the manual and the diagrams, we manage to get out the jack. Peter and Lou go to work, all the while with Kelly reading the manual. It becomes apparent at this time that Lou has no idea what he is doing either. He puts Peter's muscles to work jacking up the car, and he whips out a cigarette and a skull lighter. "Any of you guys smoke?" he asks. We all say no, and he replies "No (expletive)! Well, you're smarter than my generation." He smokes for a little bit, and then asks, "You guys still in high school?" Again, we say no, and again we get the same expletive reply. We were a little offended, because Sarah and I hadn't even started acting stupid out of boredom yet. Of course, Sarah was wearing a safari hat and binoculars that she found in the back of Peter's car, which may have made her appear younger than she is (or just crazy). Time goes on, and Lou is working on the tire while Peter is on the phone with his parents. Kelly notices that Lou is doing the exact opposite of what the owner's manual says, so she goes to help. But Lou won't let her!! His reasoning is that "It's a guy thing." Well, eventually Peter comes back and finishes the tire. In the meantime, Lou has smoked a few more cigarettes, told us how he had a real job in 2001, and complained about how Parmatown doesn't give him the right keys to stuff. We get back in the car, wave goodbye to Lou, and set off. By this time, Friendly's is closed, so we meander over to Giant Eagle, pick up some cookie dough, and head back to the Rohn household to make sundaes. Peter requests Aladdin, so we pop it in. We sure were in for a treat! Peter sang along to all the songs and even did a fancy little Arabian shimmy for us. During the movie I asked one of my favorite bonding questions, which is "If you could date a Disney character, which would it be?" My response was Li Shang from Mulan, Sarah's was King Triton, Kelly's was the Beast, and Peter's was Jasmin. At this point in the movie, Jasmin was explaining to the Sultan how she wants to get married for love. "Look at her!" Peter sighs. And then he explains to us how he also likes her beacause she is tan.

Peter then goes home, leaving us girls with nothing better to do other than change Peter's facebook profile, which he CONVENIENTLY left logged in. We added in some of our favorite quotes from Lou, said that he's in a relationship with Jasmin, and changed his picture to one of Jasmin and Aladdin.

Buut oh, those Suuuuumer .... NIIIIIIIIGHTS!!!!!!!
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