Mar 26, 2007 12:48
so it's been a super duper weekend. keith came up for gala. it's this massive formal dance we have every year and keith was my date. and he dressed up. and jennifer you were very correct, he looked very sexy in that outfit, good job. and then he danced. so now if we all go out and he tries to tell anyone that he doesn't dance well that just a boldfaced lie! cause not only does he dance, but he dances quite well. so thanks keith for being my super hot date for gala.
and then on sunday i took a little trip down to mass and rented me an apartment for the summer. so in the next year when all of you are moving on to bigger and better things, i will be moving to millis!! woohoo!!! i'm so excited! it's just for the summer but that'll be perfect. one last summer to work at camp and hang out with you guys before trying to face the real world.
and on a slightly less exciting note i think my hair may be changing color. i've just been sitting here playing with it rather than doing my work and i think it might be darker than it was like a week ago. anywho i should go write my presentation so i actually get to be done with thesis.