Jul 07, 2003 11:54
I just finished with my 5 hour bio class and... I have never been exposed to so much mindless radiation of idiocy in my life. I thought that teachers or most professionals were supposed to have some sort of qualification beyond being able to read from a textbook. Maybe my level of education thusfar has just much better than this... Ya, thats the reason. The teacher(he refuses to be called a professor) pretty much laid out that he was going to wing it for the semester and that he really didnt care one way or another if the students get the book or if they come to class.... but the tests are going to be purely over his lecture so I would think that going to class would be a pluuuss.... but his lecture is reading from the book. haha. THAT made me laugh outloud in the middle of class.
haha, then some kid came into class about 2 hours late and started asking the dumbest questions about things that had no possible relevance to the current subject... or even biology. One of his questions asked something about the moon and something about the earth- yada yada BULLCOOKIES! haha. The thing that really bugged me about this lanky blonde nerd-type was that I think he thought he was smart. Foolish presumption for him to make! What a dummy. I didnt pay attention anymore in class and sat there for the remaining 3 hours wondering how many isolated strands of white hair I could count on the top of the teacher's shiny, bald head. I think there were 3, but I was having problems with the reflection of the ceiling light on his head. I think I need glasses.
BUT all in all It wasnt a painful experience. Im taking it for fun, so better be fun. Suprisingly enough, Im not upset either. My sociology class begins in about 20 minutes so I must wrap this up and drag my feet to the classroom. I read a few of the texts and they didnt seem to spark any wonderful questions into my brain yet... but maybe this teacher will be a bit more eloquent than Mr. whatshisnamebiology. Hope you have a good day! Write me an email now!