It's been three years.

Jul 27, 2008 01:01

I think about you all the time. And it's strange.. because we were never really close. We had a lot of the same friends. We ran in similar circles but I dont remember having a conversation with you. I just thought you were talented. and you seemed interesting. i can't help but think of you. i drive by the church that held your memorial service at least once a week. every time i drive by i get flashbacks of that day.

i remember:

rummaging through my drawers because i was unsure to wear to a funeral. all black just didnt seem right. not to yours. I was picked up in a car with shannon, rachel and i believe the driver's name was chewy. we arrived there. i came to support shannon. i remember looking around at peoples faces. there are those i hadnt seen in quite some time because they had graduated high school already. i heard conversations being had in hush voices. when mass had begun i realized that only a handful of other teenagers my age knew what to do. everyone else just seemed out of place. too busy crying. not catholic. as i received communion i saw josh white standing by himself. and i have his look of grief etched in my mind. it broke my heart just a little bit to see him standing there.. not really knowing what to do. not really knowing how to move. i remember sliding in next to him and grabbing his hand. i didnt say anything. i just stood there for him. to this day, i'm not really sure who needed it more. for i too, was extremely emotional.

when the service was over all his friends flowed out in the parking lot and took out their cigarettes. there was a cloud of smoke over each of our heads - although the sun had no problem shining through it. no doubt it was devon's smile. that was the first time i met jessica wolf. i had heard so many marvelous things about her and just having a brief conversation with her i knew that they were all true. it was.. so bittersweet. we were all laughing and carrying on. i listed to memories of devon. how he was probably running around with God, naked and laughing at everyone.

the ride back wasnt sad at all. we rode back with the windows down. we were all screaming out the lyrics "DON'T WORRY.. BE HAPPY. CAUSE EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT." it was perfect.

i remember all these events in the few seconds it takes for me to pass the church. and i think of devon turner all the time. i dont even know where he's buried.. i'd love to visit.

Devon, from what i hear, you truly were something special. and i just wanted to let you know that you even touched the lives of people who werent close to you in the least bit- me.

thank you.
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