i'm hot with a gun.

May 30, 2008 17:42

I was kidnapped from a jewelery store.

It was the oddest thing. I'm walking around, scoping out vintage jewelery. The pieces were magnificent. There were colors and designs id never seen before. Everything was stunning. Suddenly, everything went dark. The next thing I knew I woke up at a beach. I was on my back in the sand and completely disorientated. It took me a full minute to realize my hands were tied. I heard voices in the background,

girl: "jesus she's been out for a while.."
Boy: "well, you hit her pretty hard"
Girl: "it slipped!"
Boy: "we better geta walkin' if we're gonna.. look she's up!"

Next thing I knew i was forced on my feet. "Walk" said the short woman with a shove to my back. I did what i was told. She was to my left, the man to my front. They were walking in silence. The woman handed me a white pill and told me to take it. That if she saw me spit it up she would cut off one of my fingers. I did what i was told but i didnt dare swallow. As i felt the sucker start to dissolve i turned my head and forced out a sneeze.. with it came out the white pill. No one saw me spit it out. Only half of it fell to the sand. the other half had already dissolved. Shit, i thought. I asked the man what the pill was for and he said it would slowly sedate me. I could tell he was a little frightened and wasnt quite sure what he was doing. the woman shoved me and told me to shut up. I asked no more questions.

We kept walking.

i felt woozy suddenly. i had to do something quick. I didnt want to stick around to find out what they were going to do to me, nor did i care where we were going. I took action. I swung my arms around and knocked the bitch to the floor. Then i took off running. I've never ran so quickly before. My hair was out of control but i couldnt wipe it out of my face. They were still tied. It stuck to my cheeks and my forehead from the sweat and the sand. I had no idea where i was going, but i kept going. in the distance, i saw that there was some sort of "flea market". that's the only way i can describe it. there were a lot of tables and people walking about. Things were being sold. I ran there.

To my surprise, my mother was there. and it was as if she knew i would be coming. she handed me an ak-47. "stay close" she said. I followed her into some sort of outside-stadium. There was some sort of show going on. I didnt care to look at the event. instead, i scoped out the audience. A lot of people were sitting on the benches, among them, my ex jasen. he was sitting there with a mutual friend of ours wearing the sun glasses i bought for him a long time ago. my chest got tight. shit. what am i supposed to do? these people are going to come after me.. i'm sure there's more of them. i'm not the only one with the gun. he's going to get hurt.

and that's as much as i had time to think about. the guy who had me captive earlier stood out in front of me and sneered. only this time, he didnt look lost. he was pissed. and he shot his gun. the crowd went crazy. they started running in all sorts of directions and i lost the guy in the crowd of stupid people.

I shot at those who were shooting at me. I knew that my mom would be able to take care of herself without a problem. as I ran and shot i found jasen in the crowd of people. we locked eyes. he was very cool. calm and stayed out of my way. I told him "listen. you need to go. i cant take care of you. please, go. and go fast". i didnt want him to get hurt. he just nodded and disappeared. as did almost every other person.

There i am, standing alone in a field of sand. with my mother. in the distance i saw dirty trucks and jeeps. Bodies on the floor. and the cops were there too. and in the corner of my eye - jasen. he was climbing into an old car. and they were driving in the direction of the cops and the dead bodies strewn about. Jasen locked eyes with me again. i dont know how it happened, but he turned into a black man (who i used to go to school with years and years ago) and turned away.

"NO!" i screamed. I shot at the car trying to hit the tires to deflate them. i missed. Somehow i knew that it was a trap and sure enough, it was exactly that. As soon as black jasen and whoever-the-driver-was arrived at the scene the ENTIRE scene blew up.

and then i woke up.

moral of the story:

i will never look at jewelery in a store.
i am hot with a gun.
freaking jasen doesnt even listen to me in my dreams :P

and i cant save everyone.
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