Aug 01, 2006 18:12
Dear Christi-Cocaine,
Thank you for giving me reason to emacipate myself from sheer ignorace, that ignorance being you of course. I am so completely happy living in utter and complete solitude and out of drama central. I'm crazy? I don't find anything more insane then a 15 year old who has to hoist herself up onto a collapsing pedistale labeled "popularity"...Putting idea's of false reasoning and imperious persuasion in everyones head, just so you can reach your worthless goals of getting whatever the hell you want. Now THATS not only crazy...but evil and spoiled. Yes, you are a spoiled little girl.
Thanks to April...who informed me that at one moment during our stable friendship, you so honestly stated that "The only reason we were friends was because I was 18 and had a car." (And yes, I believe every word because I wouldn't put it far past you to say such a thing. You cast down everyone else from time to why not me?)...well...Damn I was ignorant and blind as to be caught up in your little game and not see this comming, but at least I finally opened my eyes and made the intellegent decision to stop myself now. Don't worry...I always thought of FRIEND as more of a lable...not a promise. I mean how many have you picked up and dropped anyways?
So here is a remarkable idea::: Do us all a favor and please shut that gaping, tartar-encrusted penis receptacle that you call a mouth, you gelatinous bi-product of human waste.
Thanks....So basically now I envision you as every other stupid shallow 15 year old drama induced leech, lost in her own morbid delusional state of "look at me! look at me!".... What? You deffinatly earned the Title.
Truth is a fucking Ruin, Isn't it?