Flash Back

Apr 21, 2006 23:57

Ok...so here goes my unpremeditated day.

Wake up from a completely blissful sleep and wake up stupified to the clock saying it was 5am...i forgot to turn it foward...anways lets get basic..because im high and i refuse to rambel all night long.

Went to work from 12 to 5...it was heaven...i love my job...i technically get paid for doing nothing more than i do around my own freakin house...My manager is some Indian guy from Africa...go figure.

After I get home from work I am forced by the unltimate mind bending powers of christichild to go pick her...so i do. And I stay there for a ludicrous amount of time. but her mom was in the hospital..and since i have the patience of a sloth i wait until her dad gets home.

We journey to graces around 7 and wait for josh to get off work..i was feeling excessively ill and we end up going to the movie theartre to see who alls there and to get cigs. I alternate laying on christis and graces lap. And then we go back to graces

Randomly later...Jeff Owens calls out my name from graces driveway...with no amount of light, i cant make out his face or who he is right away...we talked...n shit....and then we got blazed in my car...which will smell like herbal paradise for the next couple of days.

and now im home and writing this nothing of a deal day into pretty much a boring epic...

ok im bored...sooooo

i leave you with this...

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