And its obvious something is wrong

May 06, 2010 20:51

Mini test for biochem today. sucked like shit. I only managed to do like 15 questions, only 12 questions correct. 40 in total. I'm one sad kid. Doesn't help that the imba girl in front of me completed the whole thing like without much effort. I. Shall. Start. Mugging.

Physics practical today, so much better than chem prac omg. I hate titrations so muchhhhhhh. Opto workshop is coolshitt, doesn't even feel like we were doing practical, more of like big discussion. Starting to like physics and chemistry, never thought this day would come. Owe this to my lecturers man seriouslyyy.

More and more projects coming in, but at least the deadline's not so tight. Gotta mug consistently already, time to be friends with science!
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