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Aug 02, 2004 22:25

Unfortunately the long weekend has already come and gone. I am thinking about visiting the Peg during September long weekend, but I'm not so sure since not a lot of people will be in the city, and also there will be people visiting TO near the end of August. Anyways, on Friday I met up with Melissa for lunch and chatted for a while over coffee. She's got some super funny stories hahaha ;-) After that I went home and took a nap and then met up with my friends for dinner. On Saturday, I helped Tania move to her new place and man that was quite the exhausting day. Everytime I move , whether it's for myself or a friend, it's always an exhausting ordeal! I still enjoy helping friends out, because usually there's a funny story that comes out of it. I remember when misterdavelo and I helped Sayuri move out of her place...the whole incident with the van was the hardest I've ever laughed, and my sides were hurting so bad haha! As for Saturday, let me just say this.... you know those suspended barriers over underground parking entrances that tell you the height limit for vehicles? Those things are there for a reason! If your vehicle can't clear that thing, then don't go any further! I'm pretty sure that the condo security at both the old and new place hate us now..hahaha :-P All this experience on Saturday makes me reluctant to move into a condo now...I just don't like the fact that even though you bought your own place, you're still subject to other peoples' rules.

Today I picked up two new books. The first one is Fast Food Nation, and was recommended by my brother. It talks about the ugly side of the fast food industry, and actually my brother stopped eating fast food for a long time as a result of reading it...he's back onto eating the stuff now though hahaha. Second book I got was The Five People You Meet in Heaven. This book talks about what happens to this one guy after he dies and goes to heaven. He meets five people who are either people he knew, or total strangers. One by one, each of them explains a part of his life to him, and this gives him meaning to what he thought was a meaningless existence. Sounds uplifting :-D.

Recently I've started watching another Korean drama. This one is actually being aired Wednesday and Thursday nights in Korea, and started on July 14. The challenge with watching this one is that there are no subtitles and no dubbing...so I'm watching it like this even though I understand a fraction of it. I still enjoy it though, because the main actress is so hot. She's been in lots of other dramas like All In, Hotelier, and of course, Autumn Story. Those roles were kind of serious, so it's really different seeing her in this one, since it's a comedic role. Oh yeah, the name of the drama is Full House (풀하우스) ... no it's not the one with Uncle Jesse and Danny Tanner haha. So far I've seen 3 of the 6 episodes that have aired... I figure doing this will help my listening skills since I don't get to listen to a whole lot of Korean.
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