Роберт Харрис. Трилогия о Цицероне

Dec 28, 2022 17:58

Согласно пожеланиям трудящихся (по крайней мере одного трудящегося, который выразил конкретное пожелание), публикую рецензию N2):

2. Ancient Rome Trilogy by Robert Harris
What do we know about Cicero? We know that he had some association with Caesar, and we vaguely remember “When, O Catiline, do you mean to cease abusing our patience?” and “O tempora o mores!” - and possibly “cicerone”, Italian slang for a talkative guide. Enter Tiro, first a slave, then a freedman of Cicero, his relentless secretary, who lived to be 99 years old and wrote numerous books after Cicero’s demise, including his 4-volume biography, all lost. What Harris does (his favorite instrument) is to recreate this biography as Tiro could have written it, or, rather, how he could have narrated it to his great-grandchildren at a fireside in a chilly Roman night. As usual with Harris, he creates an amazing effect of live presence, as if he is a living witness of amazing events two millennia ago. The characters and intrigues are so convincing, and you cannot avoid making comparison between political life then and now. And trust me (you know that I am not saying it lightly), the ancient Rome beats the crap out of our days many times over. Our politicians have long way to go, in terms of cynicism, greed, nastiness, incompetence, arrogance, treachery, and scheming. Small consolation…

Пояснение: под «our» понимается США.

английская, Х, историческая

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