Pastor Ted is a big methed out queer! yay!

Nov 06, 2006 00:56


seriously, any day that one of the christian fucktards(disclaimer: yes, i know, not all christians are fucktards, but this one certainly is) comes out as a meth using, man-whore buying hypocrite is a good day in the life of this atheist queer. I don't know why those self-hating assholes have to push the rest of their cave-man belief system on the rational world, but I wish it would stop.

I've been reading Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion, which is really great. I love his books. I just got to part where he mention his altercations with Pastor Ted. And I have to say, after watching that clip, being outed as a meth and manwhore buying hypocrite couldn't have happened to more deserving individual. Man that dude is a major creepfest. As they say on fark, DIAF Pastor Ted, and thanks a lot for imposing your self-hatred on the other queers(Pastor Ted has been behind a lot of anti-gay legislation, no word yet on if he gave it a reach around, though).

On a slightly related note, I was talking with a friend's dad, and he saw the Dawkins book on the table and admitted his atheism to me. This guy does a lot of work with PFLAG and then he said he's totally closeted about being an atheist because he feels that it would negatively affect his PFLAG work. How fucked up is that? It's 2006 and people still have to be in the closet about not believing in $Flying_Spaghetti_Monster.
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