Home from the cape

Jul 05, 2005 11:42

Just got back from the cape last night, I was awesome. I had so much fun. The beach was great. We jumped off the jetty for a while than we went jet skiing. I was shveet. I can’t wait till next year. I can take the Jet Ski out on my one. Every body watch out.

After we hung out at the house and horsed around. Me and Spencer kept getting our selves in trouble. I don’t know how but we did. Then we eventually got to bed at like 2.

Then we woke up and did the same thing. Went jet skiing, chilled at the beach, sun tan and watch the girls. Great times! We went to Cooke’s for dinner which has the best fried sea food in the whole world.

Well peace out, I got to go to work.

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