Jun 07, 2005 15:03

Do you ever get that feeling like you really feel you have a great attachment to some one? Then you come back to reality and you realize you have nothing well yea. That is the stage I am in right know. I thought I had something good and I didn’t. Or I did have it at one point and it just feels apart. Well o well, it is me and I was not made to be ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

godesinhvn777 June 7 2005, 23:09:44 UTC
That sucks don't put yourself through that you will never survive! Plus you will give up all the good things that could possibly happen just so the chance of getting hurt won't be there? I think the benift's way outwiegh the risks!


^_^ chspeachez June 9 2005, 17:21:47 UTC
yea but i started fooling around and before you knew it i was atached. i didnt plan on getting atached but i did and than i got torn aprart.


t00tsiep0p June 8 2005, 01:13:02 UTC
so..wht happened last summer?...cuz it seems that liek....ya ur mad @ whts goin on between us...but ur also mad @ whtz happened to u over the sumemr..liek in ALL ur who is sara cuz u say u let her read ur personal blogs..n like,i cant?..but w/e


i am not mad chspeachez June 9 2005, 17:26:18 UTC
i am not mad. last summer wa sthe worst time of my life. thats wat it was. and sarah is just my best friend. she is the one person i tell every aspact of my life to.


Re: i am not mad t00tsiep0p June 10 2005, 12:40:55 UTC
ok...well im glad ur not mad then..


thescienceis June 8 2005, 20:55:34 UTC
What happened last summer? The steve thing? Is that it? Or perhaps it isn't me and I'm just paranoid.

Hate to say it, but you are never going to give up girls. lol If I can't give up guys, you can't give up girls. I'm always here for you to talk to and such. I'll give you a call soon. I need to do homework and whatnot.

I love you.


chspeachez June 9 2005, 17:23:45 UTC
it was the whole thing with you and steve. you know wat happend to me an dthe stuff i did. i havent been the same old me scince.


thescienceis June 9 2005, 22:15:05 UTC
Yeah...that was pretty interesting. No I don't know the stuff you did. Or i do and I can't remember. was it really that bad? I thought there were like 100 other times I tore you apart. Which, by the way I'm sorry for doing. Again...I love you


much love chspeachez June 10 2005, 22:55:28 UTC
ouch. you havent lost your touch that was a big on "like 100 other times. thanks for bring up the rest.

any ways you no i love you. bestestestest friednds fo ever.


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