Oct 28, 2006 03:23

Today I was reminded of something that's really annoying and makes me skip class.  My plan was to go to my noon class, and then head home, since my 1:00 class for today consisted of posting a 300 word post on the webct discussion boards instead of having a lecture.  Well...I got up in time, but ran a little late on getting ready, and headed out of the appartment 2 minutes later than I usually do.  So I was walking really fast to the bus stop, then saw the bus nearing the stop before mine (it's like a 1/4 mile down the street), so I started jogging towards the bus stop.  I got to the street just as the bus was pulling up to the stop, and there were 2 people that needed to get on.  I ran around the backside of the bus and when I got around to the other side and was heading towards the door the driver shuts it and starts driving off with me less than 10 ft from the door.  Some guy inside saw me and appeared to say something to the driver...but they didn't stop, so either the driver's blind and didn't see the guy huffing it towards the stop, as well as an asshole, or he's blind and the guy inside didn't really say anything.

The point of the story is it pissed me off and I came home instead of waiting 10 minutes for the next bus and showing up late.

I did my discussion thing after a little while, then the rest of the day has been nice.

I finished watching FLCL...finally.  I'd watched the first 2 episodes a long time ago and never ended up watching the rest.  So I watched 3-6 today, it was enjoyable, but not my favorite style of anime.

I also finally got around to beating FF tactics advance.  I didn't realize where I'd stopped playing was like 5 missions from the end of the game, so I went and did that.  The game was a nice time passer, but not as good as the original imo.

FFXII comes out Tuesday, and with a, hopefully, midnight release, I'll be able to enjoy my tuesday of no classes to its fullest.  I was already excited for the game, and from what it sounds like, the game is even better than I was expecting.  The IGN review even had a screenshot of Montblanc that made me happy (he's a main character in FFTA); I believe his brother Nono is in the game as well.  I know some of you guys aren't so thrilled for this iteration...but I am...so...die!...or something :X
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