Jan 10, 2009 09:53
Last night A, D, S and I played with the Wii fit. We all hate S who has to gain weight of course LOL! But we all set our goals and started playing. There are some that I really can't do because of my knee. But the ones I can do I did. We did a minimum of 20 minutes on the balance games, aerobic exercise, strength building exerces and yoga. D went back and did more while we all sat and chatted for a bit.
I woke up this morning at 5 am and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and did 20 minute on the Wii sports and the 20 more on the Wii Fit. I did the balance games and yoga stretches. I did much better this time. According to the Wii's calculations I lost 3 lbs in 2 days.
So now I'm up and showered and dressed and just waiting for S to wake up so we can go do a few errands before it is suppose to snow again here. Watching he Stargate Atlantis Marathon that I Tivoed from yesterday and relaxing with the pups.