According to the celebrities I most resemble are:
Beyonce Knowles(69%)
Pryanka Chopra (69%)
River Phoenix (68%)
Christina Ricci (67%)
Pretty funny huh. Everyone should try this and let me know your results.
Other blog worthy topics:
Meat Rap Man - I was riding a train home from work at about 2:30 a.m. a couple days ago. There was a man stumbling around in the car trying to sell king-size Mr. Goodbars while rapping about the evils of meat and the F.D.A. My favorite bit was "'s poison...crack is for blacks, but beef is for all American teeth."
Snowflakes - I was waiting for a bus the other day and it was snowing lightly. I looked down at the snowflakes that had landed on my coat and was surprised to realize that they really look like snowflakes. In Arkansas and Oklahoma snow is just big fluffy clumpy looking flakes, so I always thought that those pretty, lacey, star-shaped snowflakes you see in drawings and on Christmas cards were just some idealized image of a heart doesn't reeeeally look like a <3. So...yeah...snow is pretty here, at least until it gets all piled up and gray and sludgy and disgusting anyway.
Grandma/Truck Incident - My grandma and my cousin went to Wal-Mart a few days ago. My cousin was driving, and they were circling the parking lot looking for a handicap spot. They saw some people getting into a car parked in a handicap spot and my Grandma got out to ask them if they were leaving. They said they were, so my Grandma stood waiting by the spot and my cousin put on her blinker to signal she was about to park there. The other car pulls out and before my cousin can park, a truck comes whipping past her and makes to turn into the parking space. My Grandma sees the truck coming and shakes her head "no" at the man, who then proceeds to pull into the parking spot literally pushing my Grandma out of the space with his truck. Then my cousin gets out of the van and starts screaming nasty things at the man (as anyone who just saw someone run a truck into an old lady would) and the guy just yelled "I'm handicapped too!" and walked into the store. My grandma (who's fine, but pretty sore) filed a police report and requested the security tapes from walmart.
Robots freaking love cupcakes.