Jun 07, 2004 01:01
My sisters boyfriend came down for the weekend. He is just back from his holiday is Tie land....hhhmmm....Thailand thats the one. Yeah,he said it was fun. Thailand is becoming a very popular place for some strange, perculiar reason. No particular reason is standing out. Suposidly a pint is only a pound or some shit?
Anyhow we all watched donnie darko last night. I'm still trying to find the intended angle for that film. So much shit is going on its hard to be entirely certain what everything means. But i suppose that can be applied to all great films. A good film is one that makes you stop and think. But yeah its a complex film......not for the faint hearted. Soundtrack kicks ass as well, which is always a good sign.
Not being much of an 80's fan. I'm slowly exploring that period in time. I've always liked sonic youth and the smiths. There are many bands i have heard of, but have never really been exposed to them in any great depth. So instead of just writing them off, i might listen to afew. So yeah, we'll see.
I think its time for sleep