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Feb 29, 2008 03:43

[ Private; ]

What a damn mess. And here I was starting to think I was getting used to this place, despite the way it breaks the laws of basic logic.

...what the hell am I supposed to do now? It's all such a damn mess I don't even know where to start.

At some point I'll have to go fix Alfons' floor but-- Ugh. There's one of the problems for a start. But that will certainly have to wait and I need to figure out exactly what I want to ask. While I do need answers, I need to know which answers I want exactly. I can't go in blindly.

And apparently the Colonel knew something as well but neglected to inform me. Not something I'm overly surprised about all considered and not something I can bring up easily. Not even sure that I want to bring it up to him. What would it achieve? Tch... This is all so complicated, gives me a headache.

On top of that according to Lieutenant Hawkeye the number of homunculi in the city is growing. Great, just what I wanted; more people with grudges against us.

What's the saying... No rest for the wicked? Maybe it's a kind of irony. Sinner though I may have been, that has been faced head on many times. I don't believe in Hell, this City is most certainly not it and since I don't believe in Hell it can't be divine punishment either. One thing's for sure, even if there's no clean-cut logic in this place the past coming back to haunt me is pretty damned frustrating.

...this distraction tactic isn't working. I can't shake the things he said out of my head. He couldn't have been in the right mind, no way at all. Alfons... he wouldn't have been like that if he was himself. And even though I know that...

I feel sick, not regarding the last time I was apparently here... but the hate, wanting me dead and the pain I've caused him, mostly without even knowing. I most likely need to sort out my priorities, almost certainly, in fact. But...

What the hell am I supposed to do?


[ Filtered to Alphonse//Viewable to Colonel Mustang and Lieutenant Hawkeye; ]

Al, I need to talk to you regarding the homunculus currently in the City, or rather, a new arrival in particular. Whenever you've got chance, okay?


...whatever shiny sparkly mood I was in before has passed. Don't expect it to come back any time soon, got it? It's nice to see some kind of normality has settled again for the time being.

[ooc; Snappy Ed is snappy. Apologies in advance. ]

can we get some hard drinks here plz?, lieutenant hawkeye, angstandwoeandmoreangst, lust, al, colonel mustang, alfons, homunculus, damnitall

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