The Political Compass

Nov 20, 2007 11:47

I too have taken the Political Compass test now (as I did a while ago). I tag the following people as people I would like to see post their results from the test:
wsushutin. I've also tagged my mom via email because she's crazy about politics and will be probably be incredulous that I am actually a moderate leftist and slight libertarian. What was most interesting about the test was the page that ranks the presidential candidates. Apparently I should support either Kucinich (whom Colbert has exposed as having very deep pockets, literally) or Gravel (about whom I know nothing). I would doubt the test if it weren't for the fact that it placed
murmur000 close to Kucinich, whom he supported in the last election. My question is, for those of you who know something about politics (because I don't): What is it that makes all but two of the current candidates fall in the conservative quadrant?

Another interesting part of the test is that individual questions provide good fodder for blogging (better than LJ's service -- apparently no one cared how I calculate a tip!) Consider, for instance, the very first question: "If economic globalisation (sic, lousy Brits) is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations." I put "strongly agree" and am curious as to how anyone could disagree with that statement (perhaps they assume that the interests of trans-national corporation inherently serve humanity, somehow). It seems certain to me, some sort of scholar, that every aspect of human life should serve humanity. Who wants to be dehumanized, exploited, or used? Anyway, that's what I think about that question. Perhaps I shall post about more questions in the future.

politics, political compass

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