Apr 13, 2004 20:32
To: AOL Instant Messanger
Re: You being an asswipe
Thank you for being a complete and total butthead when I want to sign on and chat. Would it be that hard to actually let me log on and stay on for a period of time that exceeded about three seconds? I don't ask a lot from you. I'm hardly even on. Once in a while I'd just like to chat.
I hope you have a nice day, and fix this apparent cranial-rectal inversion of yours. <3
[Edited @ 20:50]
I want a copy of the Grimm Brothers' fairy tales. I feel really deprived having never read them. That is all.
[Edited @ 20:52]
I also want to write for a pirate.
... and really. That's all. (glares daggers at AIM)