The above URL is to a website I just recently made for an RPG based on several different Final Fantasy worlds all meshed together. ^_^ I hope to get a lot of members and get it going so that we can write and have fun. It was just an idea I had randomly today. I've seen this sort of thing done before, but never in quite the same way, so I wanted to try it.
Cities in Gaia:
South Figaro
Mi'ihen Cave
Bikanel Desert
Group Description:
Final Fantasy: Made of Glass will be a little bit different from most other interactive FF games; rather than focusing on one world and one set of characters, several worlds will be combined into one and characters will be imported from all over the Final Fantasy series and placed together to interact against a common evil. Characters that would have normally never even known of each other's existence will be forced to deal with each other frequently, new relationships will be formed, and there will be room for character expansion by putting them in a new environment.
The world in and of itself is called Gaia. There are several continents on them, and just like the real world, they have different traditions, languages, clothes, and rituals, if you will. The eastern continent, by far the largest, contains the cities of Midgar and Balamb. Midgar is the same as it was in FFVII; it still contains sectors, still uses Makou as its form of energy, and is being run by Rufus Shinra. Balamb is mainly a Garden, though it is one of two; Trabia is on this continent as well, but is small and an offshoot of Balamb.
To the northeast is a thin, rocky continent that is mostly uninhabitable. At one end, there is Wutai; a mostly peaceful village that was nearly decimated in a war with Shinra nearly fifteen years before. At the west end of the continent, however, is a cave that none have ever entered and come out alive from: the Mi'ihen Cave.
To the south of the Wutain Continent are two continents connected by an isthmus. One is mostly desert; that is, to the north is Figaro Castle and Figaro Desert, and there is a patch of land that is more tropical forest than anything, before Bikanel Desert emerges. Just south of Bikanel Desert is South Figaro.
Finally, on a continent unto itself, lies the kingdom of Burmecia.
What is the evil that they are all fighting against? There is a force that plagues the world every twenty years. That force is Sin. The armies of Midgar, the Gardens, Figaro, Burmecia, and even the Machine Faction in Bikanel Desert all combine forces to vanquish Sin, but it's never enough.
There are select few who carry special blood that allows them to fight, and die, defending the people against Sin. Depending on which part of the world you're in, they're witches, or sorceresses, or Cetra... in the end, they're all the same. They are the chosen people that are born with the talent to at least subdue Sin for a time. There are people that would take advantage of this, however.
With a new generation comes new leaders. Rufus Shinra is now at the helm of Shinra, Inc., which monopolizes the Eastern world as the people know it. Ruling Burmicia is the fair Queen Garnet, barely old enough to be a Queen yet proving every day that she is capable. Figaro is guided under the steady hand of Edgar Figaro, and Gippal has established himself as the leader of the Machine Faction in the Bikanel Desert. Kisaragi Godo remains in the highest position of power in Wutai.
At the beginning of the game, Sin is rising again. However, there is tension between the worlds as Shinra discreetly seeks out people with the 'blood', Wutai forms a tentative alliance, and Figaro and the Machina Faction side against the combined forces. The only country left undecided is Burmecia. With the threat of Sin, however, what the people need most of all is to be united...
The group is shounen-ai and shoujo-ai friendly. ^_^ We accept everything. All that's asked is that no NC-17 material is posted to the list, as we may have young members, and besides, that's not what the whole thing is about anyway. ;)
It's PBeM through Yahoogroups. ^^ If you have any questions, mail me at!
... now that my generalized ad is over, yes. Anyone who wants to join, do so. >:) Know that if you do, however, you'll be expected to write.