Uncreative First Post go!

Sep 19, 2008 19:18

So here goes my first post!  I don't have anything in particular to say, so I'll write about life in general.

My poor car was towed away this afternoon.  It will probably be totaled, since human beings are lazy as a whole, but I hope it can be saved.  It's always been good to me, and I hate the idea of its pieces ended up in a landfill forever and ever.  Then again, that will make an exciting find for some archaeologist in a few centuries.  Trash is treasure to an archaeologist, after all.

The weather today was nice, but the sun was shining on my left ear while I tried to write outside.  I'll probably be burnt horribly.  And some small creature was stalking me, some manner of bird or rodent, but I didn't want to spy on it so I just ignored the sound.  The clouds right now are sort of yellowish-pink, with lots of flat cumulus-ish shapes.

I put the triops eggs in the tank today.  There were a lot more than I thought at first glance.  They take 18-24 hours to hatch, so they should start at around midnight.  I hope they get really big so they can eat the goldfish.  I also got a new betta yesterday, a blue and red crowntail.  His name will be Neptune because I'm just uncreative lately.  It's better than Ogun Badagris anyway.  I'm very excited about maybe getting another betta kit, to stack them, and a nice sea monkey habitat (I've never had one before).

I wrote several pages in U&L today.  Some gender-bending.  It's sort of weird but must be done for the sake of un-killing major characters, and making it a much more pleasant read.  Someday people will thank me, or at least I'll thank myself for being so benevolent (although the gender-bending character isn't too pleased about it).  Nothing else of interest to say, so I'll give it up.

weather, life, triops

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