Started rehearsals for "Communicating Doors" last week. It's going to be a challenging show. I must remind myself to talk with an accent every day to get into the groove. I've used accents before but for some reason this one is really hurting me and I think it has to do with the register I am speaking in. So far my character does a lot of shrieking and screaming. LOL So far that bit has worked well. I'm getting some laughs out of it. This is a comedy after all. I'm also lamenting the fact I don't get to wear knee pads. I get tossed around quite a bit and that shit hurts. James is supposed to pull my hair and damn if he really does it.
Thursday one of the other actresses in the show (there are only three women and three men)asked me if I had Vitiligo. I was surprised she even knew what it was. Turns out that she has it as well. Both of us expressed how neither of us had ever met another person in theatre who had it. She told me how she didn't go professional out of high school because she was always afraid no one would cast her because of it. I too have had similar feeling, always wondering when a director would say something or choose not to cast me because of it. I do alot of work on small stages (SROs or in the round) and I'm always paranoid that my Vit, especially on my hands, will stand out.
I feel lucky because no director has said anything until recently. I was working on an industrial and had some time off to go to Disneyland for a family thing on the big birthday. Being in So Cal I got some sun (bleh). When I got back I had to film again. The first thing the director said to me was, "What's wrong with your hands?" He might as well have stabbed me through the heart. Thing is my hands were always like that he just noticed it.
When I told Ana, the other actress with Vit., that story one of the other actors was in shock. He and I have known each other since 1992 and never did he ever notice it. Stuff like that shocks me because to me it is so noticeable and horrible. I should be glad that my personality or my talent or something other than my Vitiligo precedes me.
Anyway I'm glad to know another actor with the same issue. We hadn't known each other very well before this, she's newer to the area and we had never worked together. I have a feeling this will bring us closer together. Only other Vities can really understand each other and the torment each of us go through.
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