I actually had sort of missed Good Morning Miami.......but yet, still didn't miss Jake and Dylan. I was personally hoping Victoria would get the apartment, especially after Jake sunk to the level of pretending to be Frank's best friend. Poor Frank. :-/ Jake sucks. And if I have to hear Dylan pronounce something or someone "really mean" ever again, I may throw something at my TV.
However, Gavin and Penny continue to amuse. They're basically the reason I tune in, other than Jillian Barberie, who was sadly missing from tonight's show. :-( I hope she'll be back....
Scrubs was much better without all the focus on Tara Reid. But hey, Scrubs is never really bad, by any means.
I missed most of ER, because I had to watch the Osbournes Christmas special......
and....was it worth it? I don't know. I watched for The Chasez, of course. And for once, he proved he could read, even without glasses. >:) I mean, he looked cute as always. He also looked alarmingly out of his element during the reading of Twas The Night Before Christmas, lol.
On this note, though, I'd better remember to watch him on TRL tomorrow.
My mom seemingly does not understand my great love for *N Sync, sadly. She's not into JC ("Have you looked at his nose?!?!"), she can't stand Justin ("Everybody treats him like he's a little god..."), and she insists on calling Joey, Joey Fa-tony.
She doesn't seem to mind Chris, though. I think that's mainly because she doesn't have to hear about him too often.
And then, of course, there's Lance.
Mom: Maybe I'm the first person to say this......but that Lance? I'm thinking he swings both ways, myself.
No, Mom. Not quite the first. ;-)