My Greggy! *sigh* I had the feeling from the get-go that Bale would come down on him for working as a bouncer, and that it would be ugly. It looks more and more like Medavoy wants out - he was on the fence about it with Andy, but later on with the delegate, he seemed pretty for sure that he would put his papers in - the only issue was the amount of money he'd be getting.
Speaking of the delegate....I don't know a lot about this sort of thing, but I assume the role of a delegate is, in part, to give the officer advice. So how the hell did Greg end up with this idiot? His "advice" is for Greg to fake a heart problem so he can get a stint? Good lord. It all seems rather ridiculous and far-fetched....but I'm afraid it will totally bite him in the ass. I don't want him to go anywhere! *sigh*
I was also disappointed that we didn't get any good Baldwin/Greg bonding, but then, Baldwin had his own problems. I'm not sure what to make of Craig. He seemed pretty sincere in the church, but as Michael himself said later.....Craig is very good at convincing people that he's not a bad person.
John's case.....I get that Lucy is "fragile", as her bug-eyed sister put it, but she was beginning to grate on my nerves. She was practically clinging to John's leg screaming "Don't leeeeeave me! I'm so scaaaared!" I kept getting the feeling throughout the episode that they were setting us up for Lucy to become John's lovestruck stalker or some shit.
Obviously, Johnny's having some white knight issues. He said at the start of the episode that he still feels guilt over not being able to save his father or Jen, so he's clearly decided to take on Lucy as his latest charity case. I kept expecting something horrible to happen at the end......but I guess that's next week.
I'm wondering if they're planning on hooking John up with the new DA (ADA? I'm never sure on these things). They had a rough start, but now she seems to be kind of charmed by his heroics. Hell, who wouldn't be? :-p Even though a hookup between them is a total redux of Baldwin/Val, I still think it could work. I rather like the DA, so she can stay. Heh.
I'm curious as to why Andy accompanied John to Lucy's apartment. I'm thinking it was as a show of solidarity, but a part of me wonders whether Andy was just afraid John was going to sleep with another witness, LOL. Or maybe, like me, he was just afraid that Lucy would start stalking Clark. I get that he's cute, sweetie, but really.