Okay, now that I'm aware of the fact that today is actually the 4th, as opposed to yesterday, I think we'll do all right. Heh.
Justus: They'll emote those kids right into foster care.
Okay, I laughed. Sorry.
I love Michael and the silent treatment. Shame it didn't last. I think Sonny could have quite a time with that one.
Carly: Or a frumpy housedress?
Lorenzo: Do you own a frumpy housedress?
Heh. And I really like Carly's hair styled like that.
Awww, poor Luke. But, I have to say - Skye's sleeping on the couch, Luke is wandering in and out, and besides that, her *grandfather* is staying there. So maybe she should wear more to sleep in.
Look, Jason wore light blue, just for me (okay - and Gailbobb). Thank you, Jason! Yum.
Michael: Me and Morgan are never gonna see Mommy again.
Awwww. Poor Mikey.
Okay, I can't concentrate on the CarLo scene with that weird....head....floating in the background.
Ric: I'm so grateful for your faith.
Oh, I thought he said "I'm so grateful for you, Faith," and I was all like "Oooh, somebody's sleeping on the couch tonight! Well, besides Skye."
Ric did look kinda cute when he gave Liz that little wave as he started to leave. And, wait - oh, the trembling chin! It's not fair to reel me in with the trembling chin! GH is playing dirty.
Georgie's makeup is pretty today.
Luke and Skye are so cute. I know I say that all the time, but - you know.
Sonny: I haven't really been hearing a lot of that lately.
Hee. And maybe you should think about that for a little while, Sonny. Maybe the problem is not with everyone else.
So, Sonny's already in court, and Carly hasn't even gotten dressed yet? Meh?
Okay, I hate to jinx things here, but......whatever happened with Coleman and Helena and the treasure? Did that just get dropped? Not that I miss the treasure, by any means, but - Coleman! They dropped the story as soon as Coleman got involved!
Cutest Baby Ever!
Luke: I know you love the samba, and even you deserve to look out and see some Brazilian bombshells in thongs.
*long pause*
Jedward: You know, he's got a good point.
Where the heck did Dillweed come from?
Hey, the Wimpettes are gonna have a catfight! *pause* And oddly, I do not care. Throw in Courtney, and then we'll talk.
Okay. Jason commented to Sonny about stopping the trial, Carly showed up, and suddenly Sonny was picking up her bracelet. What did he do, LEAP across the floor? Magical Miniature Mobster time!
Nedly: I have some good news.
He got a girlfriend? Oh. Never mind.
Okay, I'm in. When Emily said that Liz was desperate to find a father for her baby, I was rather hopeful that Liz would slap her.
Emily: Here's a warning for you.
Who does she think she is, Sonny Corinthos? Ugh.
Honestly, I don't know where Ric is going with this. Is he trying to win Sonny's favor again? Is it part of a master plan? Did he flip a coin?
Oh, I get it! So, nobody is allowed to tell Carly that Sonny is a bad father, and nobody is allowed to tell Carly that Sonny is a good father. It makes SO MUCH MORE sense now!
Hasn't anybody wondered where Courtney is yet? I mean, I have my suspicions, but I'd think Carly, at least, would be curious as to where she is.
Dillon: Why are you guys looking at....?
The Rest Of The World: Because your current storyline sucks.
Now, do us a favor and toss in our boyfriend Coleman, and we'll have a deal.
I do not like Jam. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam I am. *pause* Sam! Heh.
Alexis: Where is [Courtney], anyway?
Thank you!
Oooh, Jasper is pretty in blue, too. But - Jaaaaaaaaxxxxx. *whines* Go get your own story. Trust me, this one? Is a stinker. Give UP on her. You gave her this speech already - at least twice, if I recall correctly. This is what we call "Time to Move On".
All right, now I get what Ric is doing. But, still. Does Ric really think this will work?
Tomorrow: Ric and Liz read their letters again. AGAIN. But this time, sans the Zander voiceover, which means I'm back to being bored. And more of the Fab Four. Shocker!