(no subject)

Dec 02, 2005 17:42

Don't really have anything to update about cause all i ever do is go to school and work. Yupp what a life huh.

Had to get my peice of crap car fixed already $300. ((GAY))..So well my car was getting fixed my mom let take her Avelanche or however you spell it....for the day! :-D  Did'nt think she would ever let me do that. Anyway.

Went and picked my neices up from daycare yesterday. Everyone thought i was crazy for getting them both because they can be brats when they are together. They're SoO cute though. Had the over night.

Then school and work today and work tonight...then work tom./ morning and night...FINALLY have sunday off from school and work... Then i work EVERYDAY next week and have school... I'm starting to like both my jobs though. Good ole ArBy's is a lot more funn then what it use to be.

MisS my P.P.I.C :-D <3 you

hmm I got to hear from joe the last couple days...I didnt think i was going to get to for a month from what he told me but yeah. :-D Got my pictures back from when i went to see him. Prob put them on here on sunday or something?!?! Wish i would of took more cause i only got one of him and then he took one of people playing twister and one of a note thingy..((It was Cute)) He told me he took a picture but he wouldnt tell me of what. So i finally got my pictures back today and it was a little note that said Going to miss you being in my arms! :-D

well anyway i have to go get ready for work.
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