Aug 12, 2005 14:52
Yesterday sat at Reg's hoUse and what not and then talked to the boyz and they wanted us to go to Colins later so mE and Reg got showers and I got ready N then wE couldnt get a hold of them so we wernt in very good moods lol but then BJ called n they had a good excuse so yeah. They still wanted to hang out so Reg finished getting ready and Kate came back over and got us and we went out to meet up with them to follow them to Colin's..God i didnt reAlize how far he liVed.
It's wierd how much funn we have with them just sitting with them?!?! <3 I havent been this happy in so LoNg! :-D
HmMm..besides the whole boy friend thing..MiGhT be moving back in with my mOm but its not a for sure thing yet cause I have to talk to her about it but I cant cause shes out of town!! mmmMMMmmMM thats about all.
*I kNow theRe's somEthiNg in the waKe of yoUr smile.
I get a noTiOn from the loOk iN your eYes*