Hey, You Be Sayin' Things About Me

Aug 13, 2006 08:37

What've we been talking about?

Doctor Who. I FINALLY have ALL of the very first Doctor Who series. William Hartnell. EEE! For some reason, after acquiring the lot of them, it's re-ignited my Doctor Who obsession. I mean, I used to be really into it when I was 10 or so, the eighth doctor Paul McGann (LOVE), but that of course was the series that's aired since 1996 in Great Britain. I remember when I found that Christopher Eccleston was playing the new doctor last year I went and watched ALL the preceeding ones. XD

Doctor Who in TWO paragraphs?!

Movie/TV marathons are nothing for me, but they leave me tired afterwards. I caught up on all the previous events though and got to stare at Paul McGann's prettiness for about a day and a half. I've been watching the episodes they've been re-running of the 2006 series, the second series, with David Tennant. Now. I thought he was pretty shmexy in Harry Potter. Then I find he's playing the 10th doctor? MARVELOUS. The world just got a little brighter my GOD I luff this cute widdle bloke from Scotland. :D

Anybody miss me? Wait a bit longer.

GOSH I hate having my uncle's kids over at my place. I don't like kids to begin with and he drops them off with me every weekend. He's starting to bring them over on the weekdays and I'm gonna hafta say no. If I haven't been on LJ enough for you lately, please be patient. I'm up to my eyes in busy-ness and I haven't even got time to start on my summer homework yet. Icon journal 95%complete and if you're waiting for an RPG post, I'll get RIGHT back to you. Hugs all round~ x0x0x0x
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