Dec 23, 2004 23:20
This is so awesome. I was having trouble convincing my parents to go down with my brother to Brooklyn on the 30th, but today he came up on the train and he had no trouble convincing them to take me. You'd be surprised how easy it is to convince someone when you're over 21 years old.
So I'll be there for a couple of days, what an awesome christmas present. I love NYC. Everything there seems really magical, as gay as that sounds. It just seems like if something could happen, it would definitely happen in New York. My brother went to see the Ike Reilly Assasination and there were only 12 people there at the club. Ike Reilly even went to talk to him afterwards. That is so freakin awesome. I love that guy's music.
Elf Day went alright. It started out really bad: My elf shoes fell apart, I left my elf hat in my backpack, I left my backpack in my friend's car's trunk, I left my essay in my backpack. Then I got my backpack and I eventually pinned the bells back on my shoes. So it did get better. But I had a really bad headache all day and I'm just really glad that it is over. I felt really clammy and hot too... I hope I'm not catching something. My friends made me sing christmas songs in the hallways and I just wasn't in the mood but I did it anyways and I probably did a crappy job because I was really grumpy :-/ CHRISTMAS EVE IS TOMMOROW AND I GET TO STAY HOME... and finish shopping.. dammit.
Yesterday my friends and I went to play in a small woodwind trio at the mall for The Salvation Army. It went pretty well I must say and we got a lot of donations as we played the carols. People would come up and compliment us and it made me feel pretty good. One guy was from New Orleans and he had been playing the clarinet (my instrument) for 55 years, holy shit. Then my friend's mom was like "yeah that'll be you someday!" and I was like "thanks for reminding me that I'm going to be old" hahah. I can be negative sometimes. Something else that made my day was when the senior who is conducting the pit orchestra for the play next year asked me to join. And I did. I wanted to do something for the play because I tried out earlier but I didn't get in... the kids who were in it last year took up most of this year's roles. So I really respect this guy who's conducting the pit orchestra because he's going to major in music education at the school I want to go to, and I just admire people like him who are really passionate about what they want to do. A lot of people end up doing something that they might get a nice cheque every month for, but they wake up every morning asking themselves why they have to keep doing this shit and remind themselves that they need to feed their family and pay for their sattelite dish.
What else should I get my girlfriend for xmas? It's baffling. Chics are hard to shop for. I bought her a black choker. Then I'm going to make her a music mix. Then I think I'll buy her a hygenic product at my favorite store. That should probably be enough.