you've been given everything but the one thing you really want

Sep 13, 2006 17:58

the one thing i don't know alot about is paint.

paint is on my hands, on the door knob, on the phone, on my sink, on my desk, on my towel, but most importantly on my wall.
paint gets everywhere.
espeically on my hands.
it will not come off at any costs.

i don't care about algebra, your bad attitude, or my unhealthy eating habits.

thats just a short list of things that i currently don't think are in the slightest bit important.
i don't know what that makes me but i hope its not to bad.

whales are huge, i was reading about whales yesterday and now i really want to see a whale, if anyone knows where i can go to see whales tell me and we will go.

also i watched united 93, and even though im a little late and i knew it before viewing the movie, the passengers and crew of united 93 (excuse my language but i think it applies) were some badass motherfuckers.

much respect.

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