(no subject)

Aug 19, 2006 21:00

So much just puts me down. What really puts me down is when small chlidren are rude to their parents, or when parents do something for there child of any age something they thought was a good idea that would help them and they just get blown off. To me thats one of the saddest things ever.

On the other side i dont understand how people can be such irresponsible parents. I have large ears, and i'm trying to come to terms with it, like its not a big deal im not here for pity. But why would a parent come in and say "Damn son your ears are huge." What kind of parents do that? Anything like that. downing there own child. What the hell is that about? Oh and my parents have never done that im just using it as an example. My mom and dad would tell me my ears are perfect, even if we all know its not true, it makes me feel good and i think its the proper response. Its not a "im lying so you wont feel bad" thing its a "im saying i dont care at all about your abnormalities i love you" thing. And whats better then that honestly? How can you not love your own child? fucking parents. Any parent that uses the "If it wasn't for _____ then you'd be perfect" or anything like that, i just dont get, i want their parenting liscense revoked.

So many bad parents, maybe i shouldn't judge. I dont know i didn't want this entry to be about parents it was just the first thing on my mind.

The idea that everyone you see has someone who loves them is wonderful. Isn't it?

It may not be true but the idea is just so 'what its all about' that its to nice.

I want to make movies, i guess ill have to shell out a bunch of money to do it. The footage i lost is so regrettable, its such a downer that i just feel like going to sleep instead of dealing with it but if i do that then one day ill realize im 56 and its to late anyways. and wouldn't that be depressing?

Everyone seems so on edge and people are so easy to get angry i hate it. Ok granted, i know a few of you saw an entry that was no longer here, that well wasn't exactly calm. I'm not a hypocrite (well i am but not in this particular area haha) something happened that actually merits that amount of anger, when someone you care about is disrespected by someone very rude and completely uncalled for, i think its ok to get angry. But its taken care of. Other then that which was just a misunderstanding anyways, i dont get mad to often, or i like to think i don't.

Like if someone said something stupid to me, instead of just trying to understand why it was said or the context of it, i could just get mad and yell. I think thats so stupid. Ok im a little bit of a hypocrite here cause i've done that but most of the time i try not to.

In reality if you take everything into context, you can't blame anyone for anything.

I think thats pretty odd, but of course you can't go through life letting everyone off the hook for everything. But its interesting to think about.

Everyones perspective is different then mine, i say it'll fit someone else says it wont, what does that mean?

Not moving foward is a downer in any area of life.

Luckly things like "Modest Mouse - 3rd planet" exist to help us. or atleast me.

I hate my job but would another one really be any better? I start to wonder if i'll simply hate every job i'll have accept my dream one. And you have to wonder if that is something that your mind does as a motivation thing or if we just secretly arn't satisfied or perhaps all jobs just suck.

Sometimes when other people do things like this stupid thing im doing i dont take it seriously. (ill be honest here) so i wonder who takes this seriously, i can't really expect anyone to, perhaps the people who do read it go "ah i thought about that like 2 years ago." Maybe. In a way i dont like something of mine spawning that kind of thought from anyone. But im no better then anyone else so i can't expect any different treatment.

These are all things i wish i could just put into a song and play in a band, but i can't rhyme very well and i certainly can't play an instruament.

This state of being on edge but not in a negative way more in a fustrated confused type way is really bizarre, I can't decide if i like it or not, but atleast its new, and i guess new isn't bad.

I'm going to make movies
I'm going to make movies
I'm going to make movies
I'm going to make movies

Thats all i have on my mind right now, all thats left is the feeling. Well it'd be totally rockin if i could get some sweet comments on this post, and not neccisarily in a "i agree with this point here are my thoughts on it" type of way but more of a something interesting to talk about because you get it kind of way, you know like a "kevin your ears are perfect" type of comment. ^_^

I hope anyone who comments gets what i mean, i really dont want 3 comments that say "kevin your ears are perfect" haha. i really dont want to talk about ears, mine arn't very interesting and i cope with it by not talking about it. lol. Anyways i hope that makes sense to everyone.

Or anyone.


you know what screw the title of the cut im putting in pictures anyways
this is some stuff from last night

shes laughing, what she should be doing. one of my favorite pictures of the night

tinas ok


stole from bailey.

classic bailey/ty

ty in jail

that coke looks oh so good.
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