Oh my god I actually finished dkhgkahkgkhagkhag. Not Osada claim for
yaoi20in20NOW, IT'S CATHY TIME.
Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4
Set #5
Artist's Choice #1
Artist's Choice #2
Artist's Choice #3
Artist's Choice #4
Artist's Choice #5
NOT OSADA MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A PERVERT. i also wanted to thank fiendie for sharing her awesome... weird circular pattern textures (what are those types of textures called, anyway? neither of us knew) with me! they're so much fun!
this set was very hard because I nearly ran out of images that I felt comfortable using! there's not much of osada's stuff out there (only bits of notpia and i found the raws for her adaptation of kenji ohtsuki's "stacy" on my search for material) and i was really struggling to find an image that would work well in an icon for the last ac piece.
also my wrist kind of hurts from furiously coloring all day.
soft this icon is bad and i feel bad. you should see the first version, it was even worse.
levels also lame and lazy
pink mid-way through coloring this i kind of went crazy upon noticing all of the anatomical flaws. i fucking hate the image now.
lonely i combined textures to make the background in the pattern of a tatami room floor layout.
faceless no little boy, don't walk off into the sunset with that man! i forgot that not osada is mostly shota SOBBBBB /faceinhands. lady, can't you just draw gross gory shit with guys of consenting age?!
star the laziest thus far
lyrics "enjoy the silence" - depeche mode
set: provided textures i think they're all fairly easy to spot, buuuut just in case:
1; on the bar at the bottom. 2; on the yellow bar. 3; in the circle behind the guy's head. 4; in the light blue rectangle. 5; if you can't see this i think you might need your eyes checked.
set: ac i got into not osada's works because she draws grotesque stuff, so i decided to feature gross things for my ac icons.