Back to the ole grind...

Nov 29, 2004 19:45

I'm quite happy to be back here at UCA. Two weeks here then a month off for Christmas break. This week I am going to be rather busy between design projects and studying. Got to love preparation for exam week. Helsh yeah. I have an exam in writing and math, a regular test in Asian Art Survey, and two design projects to complete. Yayayaya... that is a large ammount of work.

Today it was really rainy and I do believe it is still sprinkling outside. Our school lacks proper rainwater drainage and water pools in many inconvinient spots for people who are attempting to walk around campus. Yes, I'm bitching bout getting my pants soaked while walking from class to class. It is supposed to rain even more tomorrow and, in addition to that, be colder. Yay for fall!

Kelly and I are going down to the Schichtl building later to work on design projects. One of mine is due Wednesday and I think she has one due tomorrow. I'm going to be in there for quite a while. Blargh. Probably going to do my work on matte board because i think illustration board is weird...

Oh yeah, I guess I should talk about my Thanksgiving break a bit!
Of course I ate mass ammounts of turkey at dinner with my family and then later plenty of turkey and frito sandwiches at my aunts later. That was a rather relaxing day and I was quite satisfied with the food. :D
The most notable night of my thanksgiving break was probably Friday night. I went down to Vino's with my friends Carol, Stevie, Kelly, and Gentry. We had a good time there and all, but Gentry and I decided to go meet up with his good pal Joseph at Garden Ridge after a while. It was there that we aquired our friends Andre and Samuel... champagne and beer. We went back to Carol's house assuming she would be coming back sooner than she did and we stood in the rain for a good two hours. But fortunately other people came and stood with us as we all sang "Tribute" by Tenacious D in the rain. It was pretty tight.
Then at last Carol showed up and a large ammount of our friends came over and we had ourselves a bit of a high school reunion party. It was great fun. After I came back to my senses Danny hauled me and my PC over to Colby's house to join Colby, Nathan, and Jamie for a LAN party. That was pretty fun and we had some good BBQ chips. ^^ Fun night for sure.

I can certainly say that coming back yesterday was also a highlight of my break because of two things: first and foremost is that I got to see Jessica! Secondly I the couch I brought from my house which now resides in Anthony and I's room. But, yes, I was very glad to see Jessica again.

Now I'm off to review some notes and then prep to head over to Schichtl.
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