The Sweltering Heat Is My Punishment For Buying Wool Pants Yesterday. One Assumes.

Sep 03, 2011 03:24

Over the course of the past few hours, I have discovered a jaunty concept album about cricket, listened to songs about dating croquet-playing girls, randomly networked with the be-dreadlocked clerk at the natural food store about a cabaret gig that she djs, was offered a number of other business opportunities that I'm not sure how I feel about yet, pined after custom cloud ice cream sandwiches, and signed myself up for another magical mystery tour to Nova Albion next spring.

And melted from the heat. Freaking summer and it's last hurrahs, trying to cram everything in before the holiday weekend starts. You know how it is.

Some parts of this, I may live to regret. Maybe not the ice cream sandwiches though-NEVER REGRET ICE CREAM SHAPED LIKE CLOUDS.

Soon I will be out and about, selling hats and various whimsies (is "RENTFLY BOY FOR HIRE" too salacious to put on a button?), and I hope to get you a proper update on that shortly. I may also have whipped up a fifth Modern Vaudevillia mix, which, dang. Who ever thought I'd make it to five? Since I have not actually posted the playlist for the fourth one yet, three years and counting, um. I wouldn't hold your breath, not exactly. But it's hanging around my computer, so if you feel overwhelmed with curiosity, feel free to pester me until it sees the light of day.

Hexipuffing continues apace as well. I am desperately trying to keep it down to one-a-day instead of all-hexipuffs-all-the-time. My hats need attention and do not make themselves, as I should have learned by now.

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desirable edibles, filthy lucre, knitting, gallivants, hating the heat, linkage, knitting (and possibly crochet), millinery, recipe

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