"Deep Celestial Blue" Was One Of My Requests

Apr 06, 2011 01:51

A splendiferous package arrived on Saturday - custom handspun from gnomegarden.etsy.com!

In exchange for a custom owl hat, marvellous Miz Dawn spun me up some classic Smashing-Pumpkins-video-inspired yarn. With a little Lemony Snicket thrown in. How amazing is that?

She's also throwing a springtime handspun hootenany* on her Etsy shop right now - so you might be able to swoop in and pick up some yarn as lovely as mine (or, almost as lovely as mine).

Soon these pretties will be made into hat samples, but for now . . .

In another shipping-related incident, FedEx finally returned my boxes at the end of business today. We think my hats enjoyed their time in Vegas and/or Reno, we're just not sure if they decided to come home because they ended up owing the casino a fair chunk of change. Quite honestly, I'm afraid to even find out.

Also, in being brought to the front door, they disturbed an already-confused bat who decided to nap in our door wreath (we think). Who then spent the next six hours swooping silently around the house. UNBEKNOWNST TO US. Six hours later, the confusion and hysteria was evenly distributed amongst all parties-cat included-and the bat was taken outside.


While it's a relief to have my hats back so that I can now go through the stress of putting them on Etsy, I think a splendiferous box of Pumpkin-y yarn wins out over all. Don't you?

*Mac OS psell czeck likes neither the word handspun nor hootenany. Which goes to show. I'm going to have to have a talk with whoever programmed that thing.

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post, filthy lucre, knitting (and possibly crochet), expect the unexpected

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