In case you haven't been following the Twitter in summation:
• Three day cross-country train rides are not for the meek, the insomniac, the introverted, or anyone with rigorous hygiene standards.
• My train was the last to get through the Sierra passes, narrowly missing being avalanched upon. In fact our train's rumblings probably primed a 300 foot near-vertical wall of snow for the avalanche that occured after we went through.
• The train therefore had a nine hour delay as we rescued two other batches of stranded travelers from the mountain, plus an unexpected hour-long engine check two stops from the terminus, causing me to miss the last connecting train to the hotel. Obviously.
• The hotel tried to charge me the non-convention rate upon check in and my bank card would have none of it.
• The snow in the mountains has also delayed all shipping routes. Which in turn means that I have only the odds and ends of merchandise I was able to squash in my luggage, and not the twenty-some hats I spent the last six months working on specifically for this show.
• The self-same mountain snow has also shut down all train service east, period. My reservation home has been cancelled.
In summation of the summation: Stuck. Poor. Sleep-deprived. Shortly to be without accomodations.
And so I find myself in a franchised 'Irish pub,' laughing hysterically at the existence of Cornish hurling's silver balls. Because it's pretty much all I can do.
Nova Albion has been filled with lovely interesting people otherwise. I only wish I could provide them with the wonderful hats they deserve.
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