• Although the iPhone really comes across as a shiny toy to distract humanity from the merest possibly of boredom-as well as being able to make phone calls-it has enabled my photographic impulses far more than a fancy camera does. And
Instagram! I'm not saying it's the best thing since actually being able to buy Polaroid film, because it's not. Certain filters can start to wear on the nerves with how hard they try to be analog, and so forth. But it adds a bit of photoshoppery on the go, and instantly sends my pictures to the internets. So. Yay. I could see doing the 365 Photo project this way and not agonizing over perfecting each and every shot.
• Parcels from
jacktellslies wrapped in half-nekkid sailormen. Ahem, correction. Pictures of half-nekkid sailormen. It's a start, anyway.
The Carolina Chocolate Drops teaming up with Luminescent Orchestrii. My hair may have stood on end when I heard it. So much squee.
Live Wire! Radio podcasts have been keeping me on pace as I work in the Hat Cave well into the wee hours of the morning. I am rather afraid that I will run out of episodes before I hit my deadline, despite the inconvenience of having to stop what I am working on because I am laughing too hard. It also has been fulfilling my requirements re: poetry, which I am picky about and need it spoken to me to parse it properly but do not trust open mic nights not to waste my time. (The
Valentine's Day episode has some killer poems managing to be funny and sexy and witty all at once; I dare you not to like them.)
Papier maché teacups!
And now, once more into the Hat Cave . . .
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