Not To Mention What Magic He Works With Legos

Oct 16, 2010 16:34

I feel a bit awkward posting frivolous pictures of pop culture + (100% non-taxidermic) chipmunks when not one but two obituaries are the first things I've seen today. Perhaps the memories of Benoît Mandelbrot and
skywardprodigal will appreciate a little levity though?

Ok, maybe levity isn't the word I'm looking for . . .

When I came across Chris McVeigh's photography this morning, I just about stuffed my fist in my mouth and stifled an exuberant OMG OMG OMG. Because. They warrant that sort of reaction.

Not all of them feature chipmunks, but there is something really compelling about action figures side-by-side with a small rodent eating almonds. Sure there's something of a one one trick pony aspect to it, but if there's something better to do with Star Wars toys, I don't know what it is.


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squee, quick - to the dorkmobile!, linkage, natural and unnatural history, scifi

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