What I saw Ryan Miller, Olympian™ doing while sitting on the bench in Tuesday's game:
I imagine it's hard enough to come within inches of winning the Olympic gold medal away from the host country that practically invented hockey, and then have to reconcile that with returning home lauded as a national hero for all of your efforts up to that point. The least the sports media could do is turn off the damn flash if they insist on sticking cameras in his face 24/7, waiting for him to get all emotional.
(Dude. Goalies don't do outbursts of emotion. They're goalies. They keep an even keel and put their game face on. The good ones, anyway.)
Publicity pictures from the 2008 Winter Classic indicate that he's a photographer himself-you don't bring a DSLR along for scrapbook snapshots-and most photographers would be behind the camera rather than in front of it, given half a chance.
. . .
Also I imagine that underneath all of that voluminous goaltending equipment is a Voltron-like mecha robot. Or an escape hatch. Or both.
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