File Under: Art Supplies, Misc.

Dec 18, 2009 19:57

It speaks to the specific brand of normalcy in which I was raised when I can idly wonder about making pinecone ornaments and then go and look for some in the cupboard, and find THREE 1.5 GALLON BINS OF THEM as well as a stash of acorns, some horse chestnuts, and two petrified cloved oranges undergoing partial collapse. Also, miniature pine cones stored in a different cupboard.

I have since been informed that most families do not keep multiple bins of pinecones for fifteen years in the event of an emergency. You people are very strange.

Now, for the glitter! Stand back, I am a trained professional.*

* I can verify this statement with either a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Magna Cum Laude or five-count 'em-FIVE Arts 'N Crafts merit badges. Whichever you think has more clout. NB: the BFA does not iron on for easy use, while the merit badges do.

art on a stick, festivities, natural and unnatural history, expect the unexpected

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