So you may be wondering why America has this crazypants healthcare system and why it is such a fuss to fix. I know a lot of international folks have said as much (often loudly, in an irritated tone), and I bet there are more than a few Americans who are perplexed at the whole business too. To understand why, we must first understand how.
That's where the very wonderful public radio team at
Planet Money comes in. They
demystify all of it, in plain speak. They are great.
They are also . . . on the depressing side. Or rather, the problems they try to explain, that I face, that my country is mired in, are depressing. Incredibly so. (Still, Planet Money is probably one of the best things public radio has ever done. And I'm not just saying that because I used to work for NPR.)
As chasers, I offer you the
Dinner Party Download podcast and
Studio 360 for weekly doses of the strange and wonderful. Because sometimes we need to remember that not everything in the world is overwhelming.