Distractions Abound

Aug 22, 2006 00:26

Here follows a mad-crazy link dump that I've been meaning to do for the past week. Have at.

  • Artists' Trading Cards. I would really, really love to set up exchanges with some of you lot, regardless of NaArMaMo. What do you think?
  • UnderCover: Artists' Sketchbooks is on display at Harvard's art museum (yes, that Harvard). Also, an exhaustive drawing glossary which has names for techniques and materials I didn't even know about.
  • MoCo Loco is interesting sometimes.
  • Stephen Berkman does very fantastic things with obsolete and antiquated photographic apparatus. Check out the giant eyeball camera obscura. On wheels.
  • Chris Donovan creates peculiar and interesting digital photographic manipulations.
    [Artfully nekkid ladies ahead, probably NWS]
  • Imaginary Moments is design+photoblog loveliness.
  • You can now smush your cleavage with one of Nicole Moan's ceramic corsets. Because corsets weren't restrictive enough already.
    [I don't know how your work feels about corsets. I really don't.]
  • Vaguely gruesome knitted, er, art. Complete pink knitted bondage set: astonishingly less restrictive than ceramics.
    [Probably also NWS.]
  • You remember how I was pining for surrealist and experimental films from the 1920s a few weeks ago? Someone out there has compiled a huge list of classic public domain movies and other media for my viewing pleasure. Un Chien Andalou! Metropolis! Dude!!!
  • Converse Shoes has been sponsoring independent short films (ok, commercials) for a few years now and they just seem to be getting better and better.
  • Satellite Grooves is downloadable blippy musical goodness, and was actually found through one of the shorts from the previous link.
  • Gleaned from a thread on one of copperbadge's recent posts, we are enlightened to the fact that Rainbow Brite is an allegory for rave culture. No, rly!
    (I honestly don't know how anyone survived childhood in the eighties without the need for intensive therapy. Wait . . . yeah, nevermind. We evidently didn't.)
  • Ferrofluid, which actually I think I saw a dissertation on at the WV Academy of Sciences a few years ago. They made it do faux gravity-like things in a weightless environment.
  • And as directed to by spiralsheep: the entire French national rugby team, naked. Oh my.
    (Does America even have a national rugby team? Would they be secure enough in their masculinity to be persuaded to be photographed like this? . . . I thought not. Alas.)
    [Very NWS. As if I didn't already state that they're naked.]

art on a stick, linkage, frivolous flash animation, moving pictures

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