Mar 01, 2006 01:46
Alright so adderrol is a bad idea before midterms. While it helps you concentrate, it also increases the chance of anxiety attacks. My friend gave me a pill to take about an hour beforehand. It worked like a charm until about fifteen minutes before the test ended, and I started getting nervous. It got worse to the point where when they announced five minutes I was having trouble holding the pen straight. I finished the last part of the last problem fifteen seconds after it ended, and wrote it in while I was walking up.
I was still shakey up through basketball. I got second place in knockout, but I was still shaking like mad. Though I was faster than normal in three on three (though I got tired a lot easier).
then drew's cereal eating contest came about- he downed six in a few minutes, but the winner practically inhaled it. We picked up a lot of stuff (the food was amazing there), and got some pics.
hour 56 of 68.5