Jan 17, 2007 23:23
How this will go down:
- I go to school tomorrow, go to my *Cal II (oops) class, restrain myself from pulling my teeth out.
- I then go to Student Services, "Anna sent me, I need to change classes", Switch Tiwari for Richardson
- If this proves impossible, intimidate Academic Advisor and threaten to key their car
- If this leads to my incarceration... I'll work on what to do next from there.
Alright! sound like a plan :D
In an unrelated event, Tiwari is by far one of the worst teachers I have ever had. I'm including Allen Weiss in this speculation as well. He makes me wish i could bleed from my ears to drown out his broken english.
Smart guy, I'll give him that at least. but that's about it...