Jun 20, 2006 13:21
yeah i am not in an awesome mood, to say the very least. i have cramping, bloating fatigue... wait is this a midol commercial? YES!
but seriously, i havent been to any real shows in a while, i am sort of being pressured (well i feel pressured at least) to make a huge purchase on something i am pretty unsure about. i am about done with the summer semester and then it's full time work for me until august. josh's sure thing job at blue cross fell through a week before the start date so he is pretty much fucked. what it is it about me and the boys i date? they all turn into to dirtbag, unemployed dirtballs. if you dated me and didnt, good for you. that means we probably only dated a couple months then.
i think i may have to move somewhere where i can walk or ride the bus to work, school and everywhere else. i am an awful driver and i am sick of it. but i live in south pitts., so no bus, taxis, nuthin