Jun 30, 2008 18:04
zakuabumi222: heya karin
chakradetection: Hi Zaku! ^_^ How's it going?
zakuabumi222: not doing much, really
chakradetection: Yeah, same here..
zakuabumi222: ive been keeping up on schoolwork and stuff...
chakradetection: Oh, really??
zakuabumi222: yeah...
zakuabumi222: kakashi-sensei keeps in touch with email pretty good and lets me send him my homework that way
chakradetection: Well, that's good. Having any problems?
zakuabumi222: just math... like usual -_-
zakuabumi222: how have you been...?
chakradetection: Ah.. Well, I can try to stop by some time and help you.
chakradetection: I've been ok.
zakuabumi222: hows... the kid?
chakradetection: I don't really know. Nothing seems to be off?
zakuabumi222: thats good
zakuabumi222: i think
chakradetection: Yeah.
chakradetection: I have an appointment some time next week to get a check-up.
zakuabumi222: i hope that goes well
chakradetection: I'm sure it will. ^^
chakradetection: *poke* Hey, you never replied to my journal. Do you have any names you'd like?
zakuabumi222: oh yeah! i saw that but i didnt get to respond... mom was shooing me off the computer ^^;
chakradetection: Oh, well that's ok.
zakuabumi222: im not really good with names
chakradetection: That's ok. I wanted to ask in case you might have had something in mind. Let me know if you think of anything.
zakuabumi222: anything but zaku jr
zakuabumi222: if its a boy
zakuabumi222: >.<
chakradetection: lol, I promise.
zakuabumi222: lol ^^;
zakuabumi222: did you have anything in mind?
chakradetection: No. Not particularly.
chakradetection: I've tried calling it a few things, but nothing rolls off the tongue that well.
zakuabumi222: hmmm
zakuabumi222: i kinda like english words
zakuabumi222: even when i dont know what they mean lol ^^;
chakradetection: lol, so something along the lines of 'Fathom' and 'Turbo'? x3
zakuabumi222: yeah, i guess xD
zakuabumi222: something that sounds cool
zakuabumi222: ill listen to some of my american music and see if i hear anything :O
chakradetection: You have American music, too?
chakradetection: Your collection amazes me. :)
zakuabumi222: i have music from all over!
zakuabumi222: i dont know what a lot of it means, though
zakuabumi222: different places have different sounds
zakuabumi222: and i want all the sounds
chakradetection: That makes sense, oddly enough
zakuabumi222: hehe ya
zakuabumi222: theres none of it i dont like and none of it is my favorite
zakuabumi222: theyre all good in their own ways
chakradetection: I don't know if I really have anything American I've listened to. At least, nothing I can recall off my head. I'm sure I've heard it before.
zakuabumi222: yeah, probably
zakuabumi222: sometimes they bring their music here
zakuabumi222: i wanted to go to the concert of one of them before, a band called jimmy eat world
zakuabumi222: theyve come to japan a few times
zakuabumi222: its rock, do... you like rock?
chakradetection: Some?
chakradetection: I don't really have a preference, I guess, except for maybe a few softer sounds. And a guilty pleasure for pop. xD
zakuabumi222: ah yeah xD
zakuabumi222: like the karaoke night, you only picked pop
chakradetection: Well, it's easy to sing to.
zakuabumi222: yeah
chakradetection: Fun, too.
zakuabumi222: yeah
zakuabumi222: im guilty of liking it, too!
zakuabumi222: but i like all music xD
chakradetection: I've liked all the music you've let me borrow.
zakuabumi222: cool!
zakuabumi222: hey, do you like mexican salsa? that stuff is kinda fun
chakradetection: It's interesting to dance to, especially.
zakuabumi222: yeah
zakuabumi222: when im better... we should try ;D
chakradetection: *giggle* Of course.
chakradetection: So, how has therapy been?
zakuabumi222: its always hard but its fun
zakuabumi222: i can walk around the house a lot more now, too
chakradetection: Are you still scaring the nurses with your need to push yourself too far?
zakuabumi222: yeah xD
chakradetection: Well, as long as you don't overexert yourself.
zakuabumi222: psh, you know me
chakradetection: Yes. And my statement still stands.
zakuabumi222: worrier
chakradetection: Stubborn. <3
zakuabumi222: XP
zakuabumi222: heh, so maybe i am!
zakuabumi222: well, they are letting me do swimming now
zakuabumi222: shallow water cause of my arm -_- but whatever
chakradetection: Oh? That's good! It has to be nice with the heat, too.
zakuabumi222: yeah definitely
zakuabumi222 i feel sorry for fathom... hes always hot under all that fur!
zakuabumi222: dad said he might want to get a small swimming pool put in the backyard for him
chakradetection: Would he get in it?
zakuabumi222: dont know xD
zakuabumi222: i dont think hes seen water before
zakuabumi222: well, like that anyways
chakradetection: Shugo likes the waterhose.
chakradetection: He'll chase the streams of water around the yard.
zakuabumi222: awesome
zakuabumi222: i cant wait to meet him!
zakuabumi222: he sounds like a really fun dog
chakradetection: Yeah, he's been fantastic!
chakradetection: I would bring him over if I could. But, not only because of Fathom or you, he's not so swell on a leash.
chakradetection: He nearly pulls my arm out.
zakuabumi222: gotta train him to heel
zakuabumi222: i can help you if you want ^^
chakradetection: You mean I can train him and not have to send him to a school?
zakuabumi222: yeah
zakuabumi222: dogs are easy to train without obedience school
chakradetection: Huh. Well, I'll have to look into it then. And I would love to have you help me!
zakuabumi222: sure! :-D
chakradetection: How much longer do the doctors think it'll be before you can get out and walk around ok?
zakuabumi222: well, i think i am already walking fine >_>
zakuabumi222: they said i can go back to school... when i get back from vacation....
chakradetection: Vacation? You mean summer vacation?
zakuabumi222: no... my mom
zakuabumi222: she wants to take me on a trip
zakuabumi222: just for a change of scenery
zakuabumi222: im leaving on the third
chakradetection: ... oh.
zakuabumi222: for two weeks...
chakradetection: .... I see.
chakradetection: Where are you headed?
zakuabumi222: korea
chakradetection: Oh. Well, that'll be fun.
zakuabumi222: my mom promised hotels with internet so i could keep in touch with you!
chakradetection: That's good.
zakuabumi222: i dont want to go but my mom said itll be good for me
zakuabumi222: i want to take you with us
chakradetection: That's nice of you, but summer holiday doesn't start until the 19th.
zakuabumi222: yeah... im so sorry
zakuabumi222: i dont want to leave you... with how you are...
chakradetection: What do you have to be sorry for? You should go and have fun.
zakuabumi222: yeah... but...
zakuabumi222: youll be here all alone D:
chakradetection: And I will miss you. Deeply.
chakradetection: But you don't need to worry about me. I'll be ok
zakuabumi222: okay...
zakuabumi222: but if you need anything, ill have my phone with me!!
chakradetection: I wouldn't want to call and disrupt your vacation though.
chakradetection: Maybe you can call me when you have some free time.
zakuabumi222: ill call you every day if i can
chakradetection: You don't have to do that. <3
zakuabumi222: i will, though
chakradetection: I do appreciate it.
zakuabumi222: i love you, so anything less would be really pathetic of me
zakuabumi222: seriously
chakradetection: I love you, too... and thanks.
zakuabumi222: ^^
chakradetection: ^^
zakuabumi222: ill even bring back souvenirs!
chakradetection: I'd like that. :3
chakradetection: When do you think I could stop by? I want to see you before you go.
zakuabumi222: how about sunday?
chakradetection: Sorry that my schedule's been a little crazy and I haven't been able to stop by as much
chakradetection: That'll be fine.
zakuabumi222: yeah, what have you been so busy with you cant see me? ;3
chakradetection: Ugh. All the teachers love giving their tests the same week.
zakuabumi222: D:
chakradetection: I have one more test in the morning, but then I should be ok.
chakradetection: Maybe I can see you Wednesday, too. You're leaving out Thursday, right?
zakuabumi222: yeah
zakuabumi222: well erm... maybe Tuesday would be better
zakuabumi222: dad wont be at work wednesday -_-
chakradetection: Oh, all right. Whatever works best for you.
chakradetection: Is he going on your trip, too, or will it just be you and your mom?
zakuabumi222: it will just be me and my mom, thank goodness
zakuabumi222: he just wants to help pack and then take us to dinner
chakradetection: Will you be leaving Thursday morning, early?
zakuabumi222: yeah
zakuabumi222: the flight is ridiculously early... 6AM!!
zakuabumi222: so we have to leave before that
chakradetection: Yeah, usually the earlier the better for long trips.
chakradetection: Gives you time to settle down and then enjoy the sights and sounds that day.
zakuabumi222: yeah
zakuabumi222: how much have you travelled?
chakradetection: I haven't. Not much anyways.
chakradetection: After my parents divorced, we stayed within a 50 km radius really.
zakuabumi222: oh...
zakuabumi222: on my future trips, you gotta come with
zakuabumi222: i bet youll like it ^^
zakuabumi222: my parents are travel ADDICTS so...
chakradetection: That would be nice!
chakradetection: Yeah? So you've been all over?
zakuabumi222: not nearly as many places as my parents ^^; but a fair share
chakradetection: I bet that's nice.
zakuabumi222: it is!
zakuabumi222: its so cool how theres places beyond japan
zakuabumi222: i like new zealand
chakradetection: Well, you'll have to show me one day.
zakuabumi222: yeah ^^
zakuabumi222: my parents really rack up frequent flier miles xD so you probably wont even need to pay anything
chakradetection: Wow. So, lots of traveling.
zakuabumi222: yeah
zakuabumi222: theyve been to every continent other than antarctica
zakuabumi222: but theyre making plans for that
chakradetection: Oh, wow!
zakuabumi222: i dont know if theyre bringing me on that that
zakuabumi222: *though
chakradetection: Do you think you could handle it? ;3
zakuabumi222: i hate the cold xD
zakuabumi222: i only want to go to warm places
chakradetection: Where have you been so far that is your favourite?
zakuabumi222: new zealand and australia...
zakuabumi222: okay, fine, those are the only two ive been to other than japan XP
chakradetection: lol
chakradetection: They sound like fun though.
zakuabumi222: and it was the same trip... over winter holiday
chakradetection: Was it warmer down there?
zakuabumi222: yeah
zakuabumi222: it was summer down there, so it was really hot xD
chakradetection: Oh, yeah I guess it would be, wouldn't it? x3
zakuabumi222: i didnt know that when its winter here its summer down there
chakradetection: Yeah.
chakradetection: Haha, did the toliets rotate the other way?
chakradetection: I heard people always check on that.
zakuabumi222: o.o
zakuabumi222: i didnt notice
zakuabumi222: damn, now ill have to go back just to see
chakradetection: lol
chakradetection: That's what I've heard. The water in the toliet rotates differently.
zakuabumi222: weird
zakuabumi222: one thing that was really weird was at night, all the stars were different 0.0
zakuabumi222: no big dipper
zakuabumi222: it was random!
chakradetection: Yeah. Southern Hemisphere. Although I can't imagine what it would look like.
chakradetection: I wonder what shapes their stars make..
zakuabumi222: it was like being on another planet
zakuabumi222: where would you like to visit someday?
chakradetection: Hmm.
chakradetection: You'll laugh. ;P
zakuabumi222: try it ;P
chakradetection: Well, France. And Spain.
zakuabumi222: ha, youre such a girl
chakradetection: I TOLD YOU
zakuabumi222: xD
zakuabumi222: i bet your reason is because its romantic or something, right?
chakradetection: ......
zakuabumi222: karin xD
chakradetection: Fine. I won't tell you anymore.
zakuabumi222: aww
zakuabumi222: come on
chakradetection: :P
chakradetection: You're mean. xP
zakuabumi222: ;P
zakuabumi222: not to you D:
zakuabumi222: whatd i do
chakradetection: Picking on me, because I want to see Paris and all.
zakuabumi222: ill take you to paris
chakradetection: You would?
zakuabumi222: hellz ya
zakuabumi222: i dont know any french, though, so youll have to study up xD
chakradetection: Yeah, probably.
zakuabumi222: they eat snails and stuff, dont they?
chakradetection: Es cargot. Yeah.
zakuabumi222: doesnt that sound nasty or what? :P
chakradetection: Eh. It could probably be a lot worse.
chakradetection: I'm sure we wouldn't HAVE to eat it.
zakuabumi222: my mom eats catfish eggs
chakradetection: Eww. lol
zakuabumi222: she made me eat it once
zakuabumi222: i threw up
chakradetection: Aww. xD
zakuabumi222: it was nasty crap!
chakradetection: I couldn't imagine.
zakuabumi222: she just laughed at me -_- saying i wasnt true japanese
chakradetection: Salmon roe isn't that bad though.
zakuabumi222: heh... no thanks
chakradetection: Well, it would probably be more palatable. Maybe?
zakuabumi222: eating eggs is nasty
zakuabumi222: its like eating babies
chakradetection: Even chicken eggs?
zakuabumi222: yeah
chakradetection: Chicken eggs aren't fertilized.
zakuabumi222: its just the idea ;;>_>
zakuabumi222: of it
chakradetection: Ah
zakuabumi222: i eat meat just fine
zakuabumi222: just eggs never had a chance
zakuabumi222: to live
zakuabumi222: i dont know
zakuabumi222: -_-
chakradetection: That's ok. Really.
zakuabumi222: mom laughs at me for it
zakuabumi222: "you are so kind!"
chakradetection: *giggle* I can see your mom doing that.
zakuabumi222: and then she rubs it in to the point i eat it just to show im not a wuss
chakradetection: Well, if you don't like it, you shouldn't eat it.
zakuabumi222: yeah, i guess
zakuabumi222: she just... ugh e_e
chakradetection: She's your mom. Why do you need to prove you're not a wuss to her?
zakuabumi222: i dont know
zakuabumi222: >.<
zakuabumi222: its just how i am
chakradetection: *giggle* I know. <3
chakradetection: But I don't think she'd care.
zakuabumi222: yeah, youre probably right...
zakuabumi222: really, i dont care if she makes fun of me...
zakuabumi222: its all just a game
chakradetection: A game?
zakuabumi222: everything with her is a game :P
chakradetection: Yeah? How's that?
zakuabumi222: i dont know
zakuabumi222: it just is
chakradetection: lol
chakradetection: All right then
zakuabumi222: dont your parents mess with you?
chakradetection: Don't forget who we're talking about now.
zakuabumi222: yeah sorry...
chakradetection: Mom doesn't have a sense of humor unless she wants something from Hiroshi. And then she thinks everything is funny.
zakuabumi222: you should just move in with me...
chakradetection: Psh. I wish.
zakuabumi222: why cant you?
chakradetection: I wouldn't think your parents would like that too much.
zakuabumi222: psh, i can talk my mom into it
zakuabumi222: she thinks youre great!
chakradetection: And your dad?
zakuabumi222: he let me live here... so why not?
chakradetection: Well, it's a nice thought.
chakradetection: I'll definitely keep that in mind if things fall out here..
zakuabumi222: yeah!
zakuabumi222: besides... i dont want... the kid... to live with your mom
chakradetection: ... I hadn't thought about that. But that is scary.
chakradetection: I really don't know how I'm going to tell her. >.<
zakuabumi222: yeah...
zakuabumi222: my parents, too...
chakradetection: Yeah..
chakradetection: Your mom might not like me so much afterwards..
zakuabumi222: D:
zakuabumi222: she doesnt have to know why...
zakuabumi222: i can just tell her i wanted to do it, too
chakradetection: .... yeah, I guess..
zakuabumi222: i cant let you take all the blame, karin
chakradetection: That's sweet of you..
chakradetection: But I find it hard to be able to put any of it on you.
zakuabumi222: why not?
chakradetection: Because you didn't really have any... say in the matter.
zakuabumi222: ...so?
chakradetection: So, it's hard to point any blame at you.
zakuabumi222: :-(
chakradetection: Impossible, more like it. That's all I'm saying.
chakradetection: But, I mean, we don't have to go into details with our parents... right?
zakuabumi222: i... dont know...
chakradetection: Me either.
zakuabumi222: best case would be they wont ask
zakuabumi222: worst case...
chakradetection: Yeah.
chakradetection: I guess we'll both feel pretty awkward though.
zakuabumi222: yeah...
chakradetection: Well, hey. I have that test in the morning.. I'm sorry, but I guess I better go ahead and let you go.
zakuabumi222: oh yeah, okay =_=
zakuabumi222 if you have to...
zakuabumi222: good night, karin...
chakradetection: You know I'd stay longer if I could.
chakradetection: Good Night, Zaku. I love you.
zakuabumi222: i love you, too... sleep tight